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Oscar's Wish Logo

Oscar's Wish Foundation (OWF) is a Registered Charity (1169892) based in Sussex. 


We provide comfort and support to Parents and siblings following the loss of a baby or babies before, during or shortly after birth.


We are working all over Sussex offering Bereavement Support, Specialist Bereavement Counselling* and  Support Programmes for Mums and Dads. 


We are working alongside the Brighton Sussex and University Hospitals in Sussex to create gentle, calm spaces for families to spend time with their baby/ies within their Hospitals. We have undertaken a number of Refurbishment projects across the Early Pregnancy Units and Labour Ward to date


"We truly cannot thank you enough for creating such a safe, well equipped space for us to say hello and goodbye to our beautiful baby boys"


We base our Charity on heartfelt, compassionate experiences to educate and raise awareness of loss for Parents, Siblings and the whole family.


We have a range of Resources, a Library, Information Packs and Bereavement Support Programmes available.


Our online Support Groups have allowed a dedicated space for Parents to explore their feelings, thoughts and share their grief journey with others.


"This group has been a real lifeline for me during some of the hardest days of my life"


The Trustees


Gemma - Charity Director and Founder


"Supporting bereaved parents, families and children is at the heart of all that  we strive to achieve at Oscar's Wish Foundation. Our own personal experiences of baby loss drives our passion and commitment to steer change in bereavement care."


Nick - Trustee


"I feel that Oscar's Wish Foundation found me. I was very alone on my journey and becoming and OWF Trustee means that I feel part of a special family." 


Kara - Trustee


"I work as a Clinical Psychologist and lost my first daughter to Stillbirth. So I know the devastation of loss first hand and really want to help emotionally support other people going through this pain too."


Emily - Charity Chair 2023-2024


"Losing a baby can be a very lonely journey and I wanted to support the charity to raise awareness. It is so important that people can access the support that they need. After having my rainbow baby during a global pandemic I understand how difficult and stressful it can be and I want to help support families through it too."



Sarah - Volunteer Graphic & Web Designer


"I became a Trustee (now I Volunteer) and to help raise awareness of stillbirth. It is a subject very close to my heart. I am a lone twin and lost my identical twin sister at 42 weeks, she was stillborn. I still think about her every day."


Natasha - Community Champion Volunteer


“I'd had a number of early miscarriages and received very little support from any health professional. After a particularly traumatic miscarriage I contacted the hospital and said I wanted to help make changes to improve the care offered to those going through early losses.”


Lucy - Community Champion Volunteer


“Through my own personal experience of baby loss and TFMR I understand how lonely and painful the journey of grief can become. I hope to bring comfort to others by volunteering for the charity and providing as much needed support as possible.”


Jessica - Volunteer


"I lost my little boy at 6 days old in 2019, something I never imagined I would ever go through. I volunteer for Oscars Wish Foundation because losing a baby can be a very lonely place, and I feel like trying to help others brings me comfort in knowing I’m not on this journey alone." 


Nicky - Community Champion Volunteer


"I became involved with Oscar's Wish Foundation when my twin grandsons died. I chose to volunteer as I wanted to help the charity after they supported my Daughter and Son-in-Law. Oscar's Wish Foundation also helped my husband and I speak about our own loss when one of our twins died in 1993."


Lucinda - Community Champion Volunteer


“I became a volunteer for Oscar’s Wish Foundation to give back to the charity. I want to help others in the baby loss community and raise awareness of some of the difficulties that sadly, many parents and their families continue to face after the loss of a child. My son was stillborn so I understand how desperately sad and lonely baby loss can be. I will always be grateful for the support and comfort that Oscar’s Wish Foundation provided me and my family.”


Phil - Volunteer


Info coming soon...


Kelly - Volunteer


Info coming soon...

"Remembering our babies and honouring their little lives"

Our Vision

To provide support for parents, families and siblings who experience the loss of their baby.

Our Values

  • Dedicated to raising awareness

  • Compassionate about making a difference

  • Respecting grief is a journey for each individual and is totally personal and unique to them

  • Validation of every life that is conceived

  • Offering every parent, family or sibling the same information and support without judgment

  • Equal acceptance and acknowledgement of every loss for every loss is unique.

Our Mission

Our Objectives

Oscar's Wish Foundation is established for parents, families and siblings to:


  • Provide support through Bereavement Packs and to raise awareness

  • To help relieve the suffering, distress and misfortune experienced by parents, families and siblings who have lost their baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, genetic interruption, multiple loss, neonatal or infant death

  • Provision of online support through information and a message board

  • Holding community and fundraising events to support and raise awareness

  • To reduce the feeling of loneliness, depression, anxiety and isolation felt by grieving

  • Support Network for parents by increasing contact with other families who have experienced similar loss

  • Support for parents, families and siblings who have experienced a pregnancy, birth or infant loss with the donation of our "Love-a-Bear" program.

We Need Your Support Today!

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